Spunks, The Best Roasted Pumpkin Seed Snacks With A Kick

When it comes to snacks, Spunks pumpkin seeds are king. They have a high nutritional value and is an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and iron. Our pumpkin seed snacks are also rich in zinc, copper, and magnesium. They are also one of the most versatile foods around. Great to eat and healthy for the body.

The Best Pumpkin Seed Snacks

Rolands & Chet

Where do you buy these awesome seeds?

Many people enjoy eating our pumpkin seed snacks because they are so tasty. Some of the best ways to eat them are adding them to salads, and soups. You can also consume them right out of the bag! We have created six different flavors for everyone to enjoy. We only used high-grade organic pepitas that we roast in small batches.

What Our Fans Say

Spunks - pumpkin seed snacks with a kick

"I love these, not too spicy, not bland, the perfect mix of flavor. I'm impressed with how low the sodium is to obtain the flavor. My kids beg me to have these for snack. I need to order more!"


-Kimberley Stebner from Amazon.com

"The delivery was prompt, the packaging was excellent, and the various flavors are delicious! Great job Rolands and family! I highly recommend this flavorful, healthy, low carb, high protein, natural snack."


-Mary T. English from Amazon.com


Health Benefits of Our Roasted Pepitas

Roasted pepitas are a great snack choice for your next celebration. They're a healthy alternative to the usual snack of chips, peanuts, and cookies. Suppose you are looking for protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. Then our seeds are the way to go!


Indeed, pepitas contain an excellent vitamin E source. They are a great source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. The World Health Organization has recognized pumpkin seeds as one of the best foods globally. Many nutrition experts recommend these seeds for healthy diets.


Our seeds are also a rich source of the antioxidant alpha- and beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. According to many sources, nutrition in pepitas may be one of nature's perfect foods. They offer many nutrients that are wonderful for the human body. You find amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and a wealth of minerals such as calcium, potassium, niacin, and phosphorous. They are also high in B vitamins and C, D, E, and K.

Why call them Spunks?

No Nuts!

Contact Us!

Many people ask us, "How did we come up with the name?" Well, pumpkin seeds are known in some communities as punks, and our punks have a little spice, so there you go, spicy punks or "Spunks™."

Our facility only roasts (pepitas). We avoid cross-contamination risk with peanuts or nuts. We have many customers who've thanked us for having a "No Nuts" product.

We've been roasting Pepitas for over 20 years. I found a unique way of combining healthy food with creative seasoning to make a great snack that everyone can enjoy. Contact Us today. We would love to read or hear your thoughts on our uniquely flavored product.

We love everyone! Join us, like us and love us!




Manufactured & Distributed by Spunkstore, LLC

Rolands & Chet
Spunks - pumpkin seed snacks with a kick
Rolands & Chet
Spunks - pumpkin seed snacks with a kick
Rolands & Chet
Spunks - pumpkin seed snacks with a kick
Spunks - pumpkin seed snacks with a kick
Rolands & Chet